Every relationship has its ups and downs. Arguments can erupt, causing people to say and do things they don’t really mean. However, some of these altercations can result in criminal charges, which carry significant penalties and lasting consequences. In Texas, you can face domestic violence or family violence charges, even if the alleged victim decides not to press charges. If you are currently facing domestic violence or assault charges in Pearland, Brazoria County, or the Houston area, you need to contact a skilled criminal defense attorney right away to discuss your situation. Let’s take a look at some of the immediate and long-term consequences of a domestic violence conviction in Texas.
Jail Time, Fines, and Other Limitations on Your Freedom
Whether you’re charged with a misdemeanor or felony assaultive offense, you will likely face jail time and costly fines if you’re found guilty. In Texas, most misdemeanor assault convictions carry a sentence of up to one year in jail, a fine of up to $4,000, or both. More serious offenses, including aggravated domestic assault or continuous violence against the family, carry much longer prison sentences and steeper fines. Of course, even after you’ve completed the terms of your sentence, you may encounter long-lasting barriers to employment and housing opportunities. Domestic violence charges follow you around and may prevent you from securing the apartment, house, or job you want.
Diminished Custody Rights
Parents convicted of domestic violence or similar assaultive offenses may face the loss or reduction of their custodial rights. Those embroiled in an ongoing custody dispute can see their custody rights taken away if they’re convicted of a family violence crime in Texas. Even if the court doesn’t strip you of your custodial rights, they may require supervised visitation rights or other limitations on your parental rights.
Loss of Firearms Ownership Rights After a Conviction
If a resident is found guilty of a domestic or family violence crime, they may forfeit their gun ownership rights. While all felony convictions result in the termination of firearm possession rights, this rule also applies to domestic violence-related misdemeanor convictions. Although the loss of firearm ownership rights may not be permanent, it still affects your future and your freedom for years—even after you’ve served the terms of your sentence.
The numerous consequences of a domestic violence or assault conviction can severely impact the course of your life. Working with a trusted criminal defense attorney is the best way to ensure you receive the best possible outcome given the specifics of your case. Call the Law Offices of Keith G. Allen, PLLC today at (832) 230-0075 to schedule a free consultation.